Sunday, January 30, 2011

Affects of Alcohol on the Eyes!

This last weekend was my 25th Birthday!!! Of course to celebrate, I went out with my best friends and had a few too many alcoholic beverages. For the normal person my age, this might be a normal occasion, but  for a non-drinker, like myself, I could tell the affects on my eyes the next day in photos...UNDER EYE BAGS! I have never had them in any other pictures before and to see them as awful as they were, was pretty incredible how the body reacts to alcohol.

I was interested to see if alcohol played a role in my under eye bags, so I did some research and found that...

Besides lack of sleep, alcohol plays a part in under eye bags and circles. The reason for this is due to sodium changes.  Alcohol is a diuretic. When your body is exposed to diuretics, it quickly snaps up what moisture it can and stores it for later use. This is why you always have puffy eyes in the morning after you drink!

Interesting fact I learned associated with cells and how the body stores moisture and creates "moisture pockets" under the eyes!

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