Saturday, January 15, 2011

-Unity in the diversity if life-

Something I learned this week, that I thought was interesting, was the theme, "Unity in the Diversity of Life, " and how biologists base this on three key aspects...

1.) DNA being the univeral genetic language common to all organisms
2.) Cells - basic unit
3.) Common features

This particular topic caught my attention, because I can relate to it so many ways outside of the classroom, with friends and family and life in general. Each individual that surrounds one another are all so diverse, yet we are all unified in some way in life, rather it be through DNA, cells and/or common features. Having diversity in a unified life is what makes life exciting. I couldn't imagine how "Homo sapiens" would be, if we were all the exact same, and all had the same characteristics! We'd live in a world of unanimity.

Think about this...

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