Sunday, January 9, 2011

Introductory About Me

My name is Caitlin, but typically go by Kate. This month I am going to be 25!!! I've worked as an LPN for 3 years in March, and am currently in the process of taking prerequisites for my RN...My advice for any others who have the same goal, do not take any time off and continue with classes after you get your LPN and know you're trying to be an RN. Otherwise it seems like a forever process!

I just moved in with my boyfriend in Spanaway, from an amazing place on lake tapps, but feel like you have to take chances in life and 2011 is my year to start a new life with someone who is pretty dang amazing.

Photography is my passion, and if it paid as well as nursing did, I'd be a professional. Check out my page on facebook at Eye4Images Photography, to see some of my favorite photos...

Hoping for the best with Biology this quarter. Looking forward to learning about the scientific study of life!

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